To make yourself visible to search engines you must first understand how do the work.. So now I will explain the working of a search engine.
With the links of different websites the search engines automated robot called crawler and spider reaches the billions of the websites world wide.
On finding a page it is indexed and stored in massive hard drives of the servers for the retrieval , when a query is done regaurding to the that link.
1. It return the relevant results which are useful to the search query.
2. Those result's are ranked in order of perceived value.
The above things are improved by SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
For a Search engine relevance is said to be having a page that contains the word you searched for ,this theme was followed earlier by the search engines as a result search results were not proper.
Now a days their is a lot of improvement in searching technique ,Engineers of different search engines founded new and improved way of finding the results and now search result for a query depends on lot of factors ,which will be discussed in coming tutorials .
Also the ranking depends on the algorithm of the searching engine .Google is updating its algorithm now and then to determine and produce best results for a query. This also say that the calculations related to web search is fully calculated and give the result after analysis and comparison of many websites
Working of Search engine ?
Aspects related Search engine working
1.Indexing and Crawling
Internet is a network of billions of computers worldwide it composed of servers ,clients , PC, laptops, net books, tablets, mobiles, smartphones and many more such devices having their own data ,files, functions, applications, etc..The search engine crawls all the websites and indexes for different relevant keywords to save them on their servers located in big cities of different counties .With the links of different websites the search engines automated robot called crawler and spider reaches the billions of the websites world wide.
On finding a page it is indexed and stored in massive hard drives of the servers for the retrieval , when a query is done regaurding to the that link.
2. Results by search engine
When a search is done for something on the search engine on web ,it starts crawling through billions of the document s and indexed file it has stored on it's web servers, does the following things1. It return the relevant results which are useful to the search query.
2. Those result's are ranked in order of perceived value.
The above things are improved by SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
For a Search engine relevance is said to be having a page that contains the word you searched for ,this theme was followed earlier by the search engines as a result search results were not proper.
Now a days their is a lot of improvement in searching technique ,Engineers of different search engines founded new and improved way of finding the results and now search result for a query depends on lot of factors ,which will be discussed in coming tutorials .
3. Ranking of a Website or Blog
In current time the major search engines focus on the importance as the popularity of the site ,More the site is popular more it is valuable.The site may be a blog, a website ,a page of website ,etc..Also the ranking depends on the algorithm of the searching engine .Google is updating its algorithm now and then to determine and produce best results for a query. This also say that the calculations related to web search is fully calculated and give the result after analysis and comparison of many websites
Ways to improve above aspects
Their are many other factors which also influence the searching and indexing of pages apart from above aspects .The site rank and its occurrence in search on first page also depends on some other factors ,it will considered in next post so keep reading.Recommendation by Google engineers
- Number of other sites linking to it.
- Content of page.
- Updates made to indices.
- Testing of new product version.
- Discovery of additional sites.
- Changes to search algorithm.
Recommendation by Bing engineers---
- They see the words in page ,those user might search query terms to find, information on your site.
- Limitations on all pages to a size of up to 500kb without picture.
- Each page is accessible by at least one static text link.
- Text shouldn't be put inside the image which is to be indexed
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